Baby Poop Stinks and Is Green/blue With Gerber Good Start

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Dark green poop and gerber good start

I recently transitioned from exclusively breast milk to exclusively formula. Started w/enfamil newborn but baby was acting fussier and had constant blow outs. Pediatrician recommended gerber good start. Now his poop is thicker but constantly dark's been about 5 days. I plan to call his pediatrician Monday, but in the interim wondering if anyone else has had this experience. Normal??

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I researched this as my little guy had this happen too. It is a normal reaction to the iron supplement in the formula.


Thanks for the reply! Did you stick with it or switch formula?


Same here. It's the iron. We're using Gerber too and sometimes it'll be yellow and sometimes dark green. Sometimes you'll get both at once!!

Same issues or concerns as far as the pediatrician is concerned. Used Gerber Goodstart with my other one as well. I truly love the formula.

We use this and it's normal.  :)

We are using enfamil gentlease and my baby has had two huge blow outs of dark green poop. It's almost liquid but kinda toothpaste consistancy...sorry so detailed! But she has had normal yellow seedy poop always before this. You guys think something is wrong?

We use GS Soothe and LO's poop is also dark green. It's totally normal!

I switched from soy and tried the gerber goodstart gentle and same thing green weird texture poop! Also made his poop and gas smell horrendous! It's normal but it made my LO soooo gassy I had to switch back to the soy

We just switched half way through yesterday and same thing dark green liquid poop. I searched for this post because I thought I saw it. You guys put my mind at ease. We switched from Similac advanced to Gerber Soothe. So no need to switch or be worried then?

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Baby Poop Stinks and Is Green/blue With Gerber Good Start


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